Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion rate optimization calculator helps you calculate the percent improvement in your conversion rate.

Step by step
  1. Use Google Analytics or your ecommerce platform to get data on visitors and conversions.
  2. Use the calculator to get the conversion rate.
  3. Experiment with different values to come up with a conversion goal for your website.

What is the conversion rate formula?

Conversion rate formula = Conversions / Visitors x 100.

We express conversion rate value in percentages.

Set your Conversion Goal

Use the calculator to help you plan your lead generation, conversion rate optimization and online advertising.

  1. Determine how many leads or sales per month you needed.
  2. Enter your current conversion rate.
  3. Use conversion rate optimization calculator to find out how much improvement in the conversion rate you need.

This will tell you how many new leads or conversions you need each month to reach your total monthly lead generation goal.

When you set your goals, use conversion rate optimization tools to achieve them.

Google Analytics

To get the user-based conversion rate, we pull the data from the “Users” and “Transactions” rows in Google Analytics.

Google analytics graph.
Use Google Analytics to figure out how many users visited your site.

How does conversion rate impact bottom line?

Conversion rate is a great KPI to track, because it is one of the most important numbers that affect your sales and revenue. Increasing your conversion rate will have the same effect as decreasing your costs.

Look at this example from Proof to see how conversion rate can affect revenue.

Impact of conversion rate to profit.
Impact of conversion rate - Proof

CRO lets you do more with what you already have. It gets you more out of existing traffic and leads rather than having to gain entirely new traffic.

I've seen ecommerce websites double their revenue just by doubling their conversion rate. With more profit, they reinvested in the business, which drove their sales even further.

How do you calculate conversion rate?

To calculate a conversion rate, just divide the number of conversions by the number of views or impressions:

Conversion Rate = Total Conversions / Total Views or Impressions

Where to get this data?

You can get stats on visitors and conversions in Google Analytics.

If you don't track conversions events in Google Analytics (you should!), you can pull the sales data from your ecommerce platform.

What's a good conversion rate in ecommerce?

Good conversion rate in ecommerce is above 1.5%.

The average conversion rate in ecommerce is between 1% and 3%.

However, this number may vary depending on your industry, type of product, and other factors.

Google analytics graph.
Conversion rates by industry reported by Unbounce.

What is conversion rate optimization?

Conversion rate optimization is a process of continuous testing to maximize the percentage of visitors that turn into customers.

Conversion rate optimization is about improving your web pages, content, online ads, emails and landing pages to make them more relevant to what your target audience wants.

This process helps you find out which variant provides the best outcome for your business goals.

Why is conversion rate optimization important?

Conversion rate optimization is important because it brings you more money from the same number of visitors. It lowers the customer acquisition cost and boosts your revenues.

What is more important, sales or traffic?

Conversion rate optimization ensures that you bring the best of both worlds. Higher conversion rates mean you get more sales from the same amount of traffic. Also, many marketers don't realize it's easier to double your traffic than double your conversion rate.

What's a good conversion rate for lead generation?

Conversion rates in lead generation can vary from 1%–5%.

For example, you may have 10 leads from 1000 impressions where a 5% conversion rate would give you just five leads.

On the contrary, a 2% conversion rate and many other factors can lead to one lead.

What is the difference between a session conversion and user conversion?

Session conversion is based on the number of yoursite visits that turn into sales.

User conversion is based on the number of people who complete the purchase.

One person might visit your website several times before they buy your product, but each visit is counted as a separate session.

For example, if you visit the site once and make a purchase, that's a single session conversion (User conversion = 100%). But if you visit the site 5 times and then make a purchase, the session conversion rate is 20% (5/25).

What's the most important factor in CRO?

The most important factor in CRO is understanding your customers.

Many companies I've worked with didn't really take the time to identify their customers. The lack of understanding was taking a toll on their conversion rate.

Figure out what your consumers respond to. Then, talk their language.

Understand their pains and fears, and address them. Show how your products will solve their problems.

To help you understand their state of mind, look at your traffic sources and user behavior. For example, users that come from a Google search will have different desires than one's coming from your Facebook ad.

Hotjar heatmap
Heatmap is a great tool to understand user behavior on your website.