How to add an item to a dictionary in C#?

By Josip Miskovic
A thumbnail showing C# code.

Add() method

To add an item to a dictionary in C#:

  1. Check if item already exists in a dictionary using the ContainsKey method.
  2. If the item doesn't exist, add it using the Add method. The Add method takes in two arguments - key and value.
Dictionary<int, string> numbersToWords = new ();

if (!numbersToWords.ContainsKey(1))
    numbersToWords.Add(1, "one");

Console.WriteLine(string.Join(',', numbersToWords)); // [1, one]

It's important to check if key already exists in a dictionary because C# cannot have duplicate keys.

If we try to add a key that already exists, we will get an exception:

Dictionary<int, string> numbersToWords = new ();
numbersToWords.Add(1, "one");
numbersToWords.Add(1, "one");
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(',', numbersToWords)); // [1, one]

Error: System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 1 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary2.TryInsert(TKey key, TValue value, InsertionBehavior behavior) at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary2.Add(TKey key, TValue value)

Indexer approach

To use an indexer to add an item to a dictionary:

  • Use square brackets on the dictionary. The indexer value represents the key that we want to assign.
Dictionary<int, string> numbersToWords = new ();

numbersToWords[1] = "one";
numbersToWords[1] = "one";

Console.WriteLine(string.Join(',', numbersToWords)); // [1, one]

The indexer approach doesn't throw an exception if the key exists, instead it updates the mapped value:

Dictionary<string, int> wordOccupance = new ();

wordOccupance["water"] = 5;
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(',', wordOccupance)); // [water, 5]

wordOccupance["water"] = 6;
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(',', wordOccupance)); // [water, 6]

The indexer approach also lets you use arithmetic operators to change values:

Console.WriteLine(string.Join(',', wordOccupance)); // [water, 7]


What are indexers in C#?

Indexers are a way to access the elements in a class or struct that store a list or dictionary of values. Indexers work like properties, but you access them using an argument that is an index number instead of a property name.

For example, the indexer for Dictionary class has the following getter and setter:

object IDictionary.this[object key] {
    get { 
        if( IsCompatibleKey(key)) {                
            int i = FindEntry((TKey)key);
            if (i >= 0) { 
                return entries[i].value;                
        return null;
    set {                 
        if (key == null)
        ThrowHelper.IfNullAndNullsAreIllegalThenThrow<TValue>(value, ExceptionArgument.value);

        try {
            TKey tempKey = (TKey)key;
            try {
                this[tempKey] = (TValue)value; 
            catch (InvalidCastException) { 
                ThrowHelper.ThrowWrongValueTypeArgumentException(value, typeof(TValue));   
        catch (InvalidCastException) { 
            ThrowHelper.ThrowWrongKeyTypeArgumentException(key, typeof(TKey));
Josip Miskovic
About Josip

Josip Miskovic is a software developer at Josip has 10+ years in experience in developing web applications, mobile apps, and games.

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